. : : May 4th, 2010 : : .
(I know this blog is starting to look like all-Kathleen Edwards, all the time, but I promise this will be the last post for a little while.)
Kathleen graced her new hometown of Toronto (she announced she just moved from Hamilton into a Toronto apartment between residencies) with a third and final show in as many weeks, and unleashed a couple of tracks new to the string of shows off her debut album, Failer. The set list also mixed the standard fare with some of the better material from the previous two weeks’ performances. The result was enjoyable, but seemed a little less even and sometimes awkwardly paced in comparison to the previous two shows.
All but gone was the intensity of the emotionally-charged performance from last week (excepting the scathing 12 Bellevue, which Kathleen still scowled and snarled through, as if its intended subject was in the front row of the audience), but it was replaced with the happy-go-lucky, banter-filled charm Kathleen’s audience has come to expect from her performances. Subjects of interactive discussion ranged from Emily Carr and Bryan Adams to how frizzy a monkey’s hair must get in the western provinces to the bedroom limitations when one is equipped with certain orthodontic apparatuses. Yup. She went there.
But it was the music that really counted on this night, and the band seemed to gel better than ever. This was especially true of the new material, which had seemed at times to be noticeably off last week. Kathleen herself performed especially admirably, managing to finish the final third of one song after her strap released itself from the guitar and hung limply across her back, while struggling through another song with a stubbornly out of tune string.
By the time the last chord rang out of the predictable-but-show-stopping set-closer, Back To Me, the excited chatter amongst the concert-goers seemed to indicate that Kathleen’s forth-coming but as-of-yet untitled follow-up to Asking For Flowers cannot come soon enough to appease an audience rabid for more.
01. National Steel
02. I Make The Dough, You Get The Glory
03. Empty Threat
04. In State
05. [banter]
06. Mint
07. Chameleon
08. 12 Bellevue
09. [banter]
10. Soft Place To Land
11. [banter]
12. Houses On The Hill [Whiskeytown]
13. Six O’Clock News
14. [banter]
15. Going To Hell
16. Goodnight California
17. Change
18. Maria
19. [encore]
20. Run
21. [banter]
22. Asking For Flowers
23. [banter]
24. Back To Me
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