Nada Surf @ Cutting Room Studios

. : : January 7th, 2010 : : .
Nada Surf was riding an incredible career resurgence.
Often classified as a one hit wonder with the alternative radio hit Popular in the mid-90s, creative differences with their records label lead them to sit out their sophomore album, Proximity Effect, in North America.
Constant touring in Europe while waiting for their contacts to expire lead to a diamond sharp refinement, and the band was surprisingly wholly embraced by the indie-rock community for their follow up disc, Let Go, which was in turn followed up by excellent efforts The Weight is a Gift and Lucky.
The band has also had some crossover success with soundtrack covers of songs like If You Leave (OMD), Where is my Mind (Pixies), and All You Need is Love (Beatles) in the mid-to-late-aughts.
It was unusual that the band would follow up a trio of critically acclaimed indie rock albums with a covers album -- especially one with a selection of songs considerably left of the dial.