Grizzly Bear @ Massey Hall

[caption id="attachment_1718" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Grizzly Bear Grizzly Bear @ Massey Hall[/caption]

. : : September 26th, 2012 : : .


After EQing, tracking, and then opting not to post Unknown Mortal Orchestra's opening set at Massey Hall in 2012, I decided to check the status of the evening's headliner, Grizzly Bear.


Boy, was I shocked to see the work was already done! Tracked, EQ'ed, encoded, and ready to be uploaded. More so, I was blown away that the recording actually sounds leagues better than the opening band's.


Lyrics are only slightly distant, rather than virtually inaudible. Drums are a bit reverb-y, but otherwise crisp and clear. Guitars are chimey and present. Only the bass sounds like I rolled it back a bit too far.


Why didn't I post this back in 2012 then? They were a significant band in the Pitchfork-endorsed indie circle. The show has a couple of special local guests: Leslie Fiest and Owen Pallett. The sound quality was pretty passable.

Unknown Mortal Orchestra @ Massey Hall

[caption id="attachment_1712" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Unknown Mortal Orchestra Unknown Mortal Orchestra @ Massey Hall[/caption]

. : : September 26th, 2012 : : .




I've mentioned a few times -- I really, really hate the sound at Massey Hall, and have no idea how it's earned the prestige it has locally or internationally. It has uncomfortable seats, poor sight lines, and stadium-tier acoustics in a mid-sized theatre.


Listening back to this tape of Unknown Mortal Orchestra, a band I'd previous seen under significantly improved conditions at the far-superior Lee's Palace, I was instantly reminded as to why the recording has sat on a shelf for the better part of a decade.


The instruments were muddy. The vocals sounded like they were in another room. You'd never know my seat for the show was actually pretty decent, if slightly off to the side (but closer to the speakers!). Even an extensive EQ job barely makes this recording roughly a C- grade.

Kathleen Edwards @ Massey Hall

[caption id="attachment_1364" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Kathleen Edwards Kathleen Edwards @ Massey Hall[/caption]

. : : May 4th, 2018 : : .

Concert-going wise, I have a few regrets.

Many of them either before I was old enough to afford my own tickets or after I started a family of my own, and expendable income became a distant, laughable memory or the past.

From the latter category: Kathleen Edwards, seemingly out of nowhere, was advertised to have an opening slot for Matt Mays at Massey Hall.

Now, I'm not gonna lie: I have no idea who Matt Mays is. I'm an admittedly horrible Canadian. But I do know Massey Hall, and I've written here before about how it's probably my least favourite venue in the city.

Whitehorse @ Massey Hall

. : : March 2nd, 2013 : : .

I’ve held back on posting this recording for a while now for a couple of reasons.

First, it occurred only a week and a half before the birth of my son — so I was otherwise preoccupied much of the time. Secondly, the online hype you’ve read about the sound quality at Massey Hall is grossly overstated: its legendary status is more for the names and performances that have graced the stage rather than the quality of sound being pumped from the speakers. Third, the members of Whitehorse were making such a big deal of the performance, going so far as to name the entire tour and a EP of cover songs “The Road To Massey Hall” that I wasn’t convinced an official recording of the set wouldn’t be eventually released. And I wasn’t completely wrong, either; the band did sell a recording of Emerald Isle from this show to benefit the victims of the infamous Boston Marathon bombing victims.