Dwayne Gretzky @ Private Rehearsal Studio

[caption id="attachment_1448" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Dwayne Gretzky's New Years Eve Dwayne Gretzky's New Years Eve[/caption]

. : : December 31st, 2020 : : .


Going to concerts in my twenties and going to concerts in my thirties have proven to be very different experiences.


In my twenties, I could quite literally go online, check out the line-up at a few of my favourite venues for the evening, and just choose to go out and see a performance impulsively.


In my thirties, it's a whole other affair. I have to arrange sitters for my kids, schedule work around the evening, worry about back up plans if the sitter bails last minute, etc.


Whereas ten years ago, my only punishment was a mild level of sleep deprivation at work the following day, I now find that I'm yawning before the opening band even takes the stage and it can be a week following before I'm back to a normal sleeping schedule.


All of this is compounded for event concerts. Forget about travelling out of town or multi-day festivals: what do you think it's like to get a reliable, trust-worthy sitter on New Years Eve in suburban Toronto?


Needless to say, although it's been on my wish list since inception, I've never been able to make it out to Dwayne Gretzky's celebrated New Years Eve shows.

Dwayne Gretzky @ Phoenix Concert Theatre

. : : April 18th, 2014 : : .

Summer is fast-approaching, and in the music world, that means festival season. Some of the most historically important musical festivals have been a showcase for current and emerging talent — think Woodstock (either of them, arguably) — but recently, the pendulum has swung so festivals have become a touring nostalgia sideshow.

It occurs to me that both promoters and concert goers could save themselves a bucket load of cash and inevitable disappointment by giving a call to Tyler Kyte, Nick Rose, and the ladies and gentlemen who back them up in Dwayne Gretzky.

The band has nailed nostalgia down to a tee; last year they gathered to perform all of Fleetwood Mac‘s Rumours album, but this year they had their sights set on a broader theme that may appeal to their fan base at large — the entirety of the 1990’s. Cribbing the name of the event, Big Shiny Dwayne, from a classic, best-selling Canadian compilation that charted five straight #1 discs annually, the band came prepared to live up to the title by showcasing the best music of the 90s with a focus on alternative and college rock.

Dwayne Gretzky @ Horseshoe Tavern

. : : October 31st, 2012 : : . What better way to celebrate this year’s Valentine’s Day than with remembering last year’s Hallowe’en? Sure, it might be weird to celebrate Valentine’s…