Hannah Georgas @ SiriusXM

Hannah Georgas

. : : July 18th, 2020 : : .


2020 was … unusual.


Gripped by a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, relegated to stay-at-home orders and curfews, live concerts stopped being a thing. At least, in the typical sense of the phrase.


Pivoting to engage fanbases, generate income, and continue to spark creative drive, musicians began to take up live-streaming performances en masse. Like many live performances, the quality varied.


Usually, things like the venue, PA system, and sound person on duty were deciding factors on sound and visuals, but now it was the artists' home studio set-up, internet upload speed, and network congestion. And to say it's been a learning curve for everyone would be putting it somewhat mildly. However, as the year wore on, the quality by and large improved.


The new challenge arising as 2020 came to a close was not how much will I enjoy this live stream, and turned more toward how many live streams can I enjoy?