Nicole Atkins @ Late Show with David Letterman

[caption id="attachment_1628" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Nicole Atkins @ Late Show with David Letterman Nicole Atkins @ Late Show with David Letterman[/caption]

. : : January 9th, 2015 : : .  

Hey, remember about a month ago when I said I only had one more Nicole Atkins recording to share?  

I was happily mistaken!  

I also captured her performance on Late Show with David Letterman in January of 2015. At this point, Letterman was only four-months from retirement, but still brought the excitement and enthusiasm for his musical guests like it was his first week on the job.  

Nicole and co. perform a version of Neptune City's War Torn that trades the lush keyboards of the recorded version for dreamy, reverb-drenched guitars that ultimately delves into a crunchy, distorted punch-in-the-face climax.