Beams @ Bell Media Studios

. : :January 17th, 2015 : : .
Beams is a band hard to accurately pin down. Their music generally derives from classic folk instrumentation, but it's the hyphen in the genre that seems to be contested.
One part alternative-rock, one part roots, another part psychedelic: I'm not exaggerating to say I've seen literal back-and-forth arguments on Reddit debating how exactly to classify the band -- and I expect that's by design.
Featuring a handful of Toronto's most widely-recognizable indie musicians, everyone's bringing something to the buffet, so to speak. Members have been featured here on the blog as participants in The Postage Stamps, Hamilton Trading Co., Freedom or Death, and Danielle Duval, but have also contributed to acts such as Dany Laj and the Looks, the Diableros, Ace of Wands, The Paper Makers, and many others.