Jenn Grant @ Winter Garden Theatre

(Mat Dunlap)[/caption]
. : : November 24th, 2012 : : .
Coming back to this blog after so many years has been really interesting.
As I sort through an archive of unreleased recordings, I've re-discovered shows that I've entirely forgotten I'd been to. Among them was Jenn Grant's show at the Winter Garden Theatre to promote The Beautiful Wild in 2012. In trying to recall details about the show (ie. where I sat specifically), I tried to pull up a digital receipt for my ticket purchase.
While I couldn't find it, I did find a conversation I had where I lamented that tickets for the show had gone on sale on Groupon for a fraction of what I'd paid for them -- and the discounted tickets were only a handful of rows behind my seat. But I wasn't mad because I'd unnecessarily spent extra money; rather, I was planning to bail on the show altogether and sell my ticket and chances of finding a last minute buyer now where nil.