Hatfield-Robertson @ International Space Station

Hadfield-Robertson @ International Space Station

. : : February 8th, 2013 : : .

Chris Hadfield is best known as a Canadian astronaut, but he’s also an acclaimed musician and author, and has built strong friendships with some of Canada’s finest artists.

This blog entry goes back to the beginning of his explosive career, where he collaborated with Barenaked Ladies’ Ed Robertson and the gleek club from my high school alma mater, Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts on a live performance.

Which, wouldn’t be so unusual if Hadfield wasn’t performing his contribution from the International Space Station in, you know, SPACE.

The song, I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing), was written by the duo online remotely while Hadfield prepared for the mission half a world away in Russia.

I guess distance is baked right into the DNA of this song.

The song is a bit on the nose to be regarded as much more than a kitschy curiosity, but predicted the current TikTok trend of “dueting” by the better part of a decade.

CBC shared some of the early conversations between the duo and the live recording on CBC Backstage Pass, and is definitely a neat time capsule for a unique experience for Canadian music.

Check it out below.

  1. [introduction]
  2. [interview]
  3. [banter]
  4. I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing)

[info.txt // FLAC Fingerprint]

I.S.S (Live on CBC) [MP3 sample]

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