. : : September 17th, 2014 : : .
It’s been a crazy week, and I don’t have the time to jazz up this story with a lot of narration — but this post officially marks 26-weeks (HALF A YEAR!) of weekly, on-time posts. I wasn’t about to miss it because of things like work and familial obligations!
So, here’s tape also celebrating an occasion — it’s six-year birthday was this week! Here’s Sloan previewing songs from their then-new album Commonwealth (billed as essentially 4 solo EPs combined into one LP)!
As with all of CBC Backstage Pass’ programming, much of the music is talked over with interview snippets that are rarely of any importance whatsoever — but the sound quality is standard broadcast quality and is worth a listen for Sloan fans. The McCartney-esque Three Queens is especially worth your time; check it in the sample below and grab the rest if you like what you hear.
Sorry the post is so brief! Back to life I go!
- [introduction]
- [introduction 2]
- Carried Away
- [interview]
- Keep Swinging (Downtown)
- [interview]
- The Rest of My Life
- [interview]
- Three Sisters
[info.txt // FLAC Fingerprint]