. : : April 23rd, 2008 : : .
Of course, I remember being charmed by Kathleen Edwards‘ set at NXNE for Six Shooter Records Outlaws & Gunslingers showcase in 2007. I was introduced to a lot of great new music that night, so I don’t remember quite what it was that lead me to investigate Kathleen’s recorded music specifically shortly thereafter.
But I do clearly remember queuing up the Asking For Flowers album for the very first time. I remember the intimacy of the sound of the piano bench creaking under the sparse but powerful chords of Buffalo. I remember the drums and guitar kicking in, matching intensity with a literal and metaphorical storm chasing the song’s protagonist across the Canada-US border.
I was instantly and irrevocably smitten.
It was 2008 and although I’d begun taping concerts I was going to, it wasn’t with the compulsion the hobby would soon grow into. I was sure to tape most of the bigger, well established acts with a fan base large enough to appreciate my efforts, but other, smaller and local acts, I’d often skip.
Whatever my reasons, for my first Kathleen Edwards show as an invested fan, I left my recording gear at home when heading out to the Phoenix Concert Theatre.
Turns out, that was just fine. An old tape trading buddy of mine, Dave Caley, was there with a rig that far exceeded mine (then or now!).
The show was only some six weeks removed from the album’s release date, so although I’d given her earlier stuff a cursory listen, it was this performance that really introduced me to (and won me over with) older songs like Summerlong, and In State.
I’ve seen Kathleen perform live, what? A dozen times since? So my memory of this one is admittedly spotty. I do remember standing fairly far back (for me, anyway)… maybe 50 or 60 feet, and off to the left side of the stage. I remember the visceral ferocity with which certain songs, like Oh Canada and Oil Man’s War were delivered. I remember being impressed when Kathleen pulled out the violin for b-side I Can’t Give You Up, and again later for barn-burner, Goodnight, California. I even remember a tinge of disappointment that Buffalo wasn’t played.
Of course, I didn’t know then how intensely my fandom would grow, so it’s really nice to have this recording to go back to and fill in the large swathes of holes left in my memory.
A generous 18-song set that fairly represented her output to date, this tape hasn’t seen the kind of circulation it deserves. I believe Dave uploaded it to DimeADozen well over a decade ago, and I haven’t noticed any re-seeds since.
To celebrate the release of Kathleen’s latest album, Total Freedom, I re-present this recording to Kathleen Edwards fans everywhere. Maybe you’ll enjoy the trip down memory lane with me today?
With warmest thanks to Dave Caley for taping this set, capturing this memory and his permission to share it on the site! Cheers, Dave!
NOTE: As this tape is not mine originally, I will offer it only as originally presented: in FLAC lossless format. If you convert to MP3, please keep for personal use only.
- Mercury
- In State
- What Are You Waiting For?
- Asking For Flowers
- Run
- Oil Man’s War
- [banter]
- I Make the Dough, You Get the Glory
- 12 Bellevue
- Alicia Ross
- I Can’t Give You Up
- Summerlong
- Six O’Clock News
- Copies Keys
- Oh Canada
- The Cheapest Key
- [encore]
- [banter]
- Good Things
- Goodnight California
- Back To Me
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Thanks for posting the recording and the story behind it! Turns out I have this already, i must of downloaded it off Dime back in the day. Great set! I saw her that summer at the Winnipeg folk fest, but my recording was botched because someone was talking to me the entire set, I should have walked away!
What other KE recordings are you holding out on us on? 😉