The Rest @ CHCH Studios

. : : April 29th, 2013 : : .

A day before front man Adam Bentley announced that The Rest would be calling it quits after a decade of making music together, a fraction of the band showed up on Hamilton’s CHCH broadcast of Morning Live. Whether this sliver formation was foreshadowing of the news forth-coming or a curious coincidence caused by scheduling conflicts, I certainly couldn’t say — but it seems somehow sadly appropriate.

One blessing that can be counted is the unique version of the band’s single, Always On My Mind, from their final release, Seesaw. Stripped almost to it’s base core, Adam’s hauntingly lamentful voice is accompanied only by a lightly strummed classical guitar, Anna Jarvis‘ cello, and Jordan Mitchell‘s keyboard — a far cry from the seven piece onslaught fans are certainly accustomed to.

A must-have recording for fans of the little Hamilton band that could, this can certainly be counted amongst the last known recordings of the band (with this blog’s own recording of the band’s penultimate show, and a supposedly forth-coming concert film of The Last Anniversary rounding out the collection).

Five and a half months later, there’s still a seven-piece hole in fans hearts. Hopefully this recording fills it a little, if even for a scant four minutes.

01. [intro]
02. Always On My Mind

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Always On My Mind (Live In Toronto) [MP3 sample]


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