. : : April 12th, 2012 : : .
At my old job, I used to have time to listen to Jian Ghomeshi‘s Q most mornings. I especially loved Fridays, when he usually has a local band in to play a few songs. Sometimes the bands are well known, sometimes not. Sometimes they fall somewhere in between.
With Good, Pinsent and Keelor, the individuals are perhaps more well-known than this particular project, which I’d never heard before this program, but immediately grabbed my attention.
Marrying the talents of The Sadies‘ Travis Good and Blue Rodeo‘s Greg Keelor with the whiskey warm, almost Cohen-esque voice of actor and poet Gordon Pinsent is an almost absurd, off-the-wall mash-up that would probably raise eyes for a single-song collaboration. Well, how about a two-disc debut album?
Hubris? Genius? Somewhere in between? I’ll leave that for you to decide, but their performance on Q this past spring definitely hinted at something uniquely great. This, as most Q programming, is definitely worth checking out. Their debut double album, Down and Out in Upalong is available now.
01. [introduction]
02. [interview]
03. Easy Ridge
04. Easy Ridge [musical version]
05. [interview]
06. Night Light
07. [dj outro]
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