Kathleen Edwards @ CBC Studios

. : : January 27th, 2012 : : .

I wasn’t exactly lying when I said last week’s CBC radio broadcast recording of Kathleen Edwards would be the last for a while. Not exactly.

You see, this CBC Kathleen Edwards recording is actually sourced from a TELEVISION show, George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight. And that’s a big difference, right?

Kathleen was just the musical performance, tacked on at the very end with a short segment of interview snippets before it. Too bad, because George is known for giving great interviews and frequently coaxing answers to the tough questions. Alas!

As such, we’re going to have to live with what we were given: another great performance from Kathleen Edwards and crew.

One song. Four tracks. Less than five and a half minutes. No brainer folks, get this one.

01. [introduction]
02. [interview snippets]
03. Change The Sheets
04. [outro]

[info.txt // flac fingerprint ]
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Change The Sheets (Live In Toronto) [MP3 sample]

It’s my pleasure to give warm thanks to George Stroumboulopoulos, Kathleen Edwards, Hannah Georgas, Daniel Ledwell, Lyle Molzan, John Dinsmore and Gord Tough.


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