. : : March 17th, 2010 : : .
Sorry for the quiet last few weeks. I’d been counting on getting to see Jim Bryson and the Weakerthans a couple of weeks ago, but came down with a killer migraine. I was afraid it might have been the start of a horrid cold, and decided to nip it in the bud and take a night off and rest. It did a lot of good, with the exception that I missed what was, from all accounts, a stellar show with a guest appearance by HaterHigh.com favourite Kathleen Edwards. 🙁
Things are looking to pick up again, though, as soon as this week. To tide you over a few more days, though, I’ve procured a recording from Colleen Brown‘s set last March in Calgary, AB at the Engineered Air Theatre.
No, I’ve never been to Alberta. The furthest west I’ve ever been is Chicago, and the furthest east, Sherbrooke, PQ. I don’t travel much, but that’s neither here nor there. This is TECHNICALLY not recorded by me (and thus falls out of the usual sphere of this blog’s focus) but it was recorded by CBC, who aired the concert tonight on CBC2′s program Canada Live. It was me, however, who managed to record the set via my Satellite TV’s digital radio subscription and running stereo RCA out to a stereo 1/4″ jack into the line-in input on my Edirol R-09 WAV recorder (Yes, I know that technically RCA out is not the BEST quality possible, but it did in a pinch and the output is fantastic). Thus, in a roundabout way, I did record this copy of the recording, which I can justify shoehorning into this blog. I don’t think anyone here will complain, especially since Colleen Brown has proven to be popular with my readers!
I’ve received word from Ms. Brown that she’s started recording her next album, which can’t possibly come soon enough. Until then, this recording will just have to tide us over!
- Love You Baby
- Chasing Beautiful
- Fantastic Feeling
- [dj banter]
- [banter]
- Ain’t Got No Man (To Have Problems With)
- [banter]
- Happy Love Song
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Thanks to Colleen Brown, Peter Belec, host Andrew Craig and the wonderful CBC.